THE TALES OF BEEDLE THE BARD. Translated From The Original Runes by Hermione Granger. With Commentary by Professor Albus Dumbledore.

First edition. Deluxe / Collectors edition. Publisher's original faux leather binding, ornately embellished with metal skull, corner pieces and clasp incorporating replica gemstones. All edges gilt. The book is housed in a velvet drawstring bag, with the author's embroidered signature in gold to the front. Housed in the original leather clamshell case, the title embossed on the upper cover and in gilt to the spine. The case is felt lined with an inside pocket containing 10 ready to frame prints within the original printed envelope. The book also contains 10 illustrations not found in the regular trade edition. The entire collection is in fine condition. With the publisher's lightly rubbed and creased white card sleeve printed in black to the upper panel 'This Side Up'.

Stock code: 27414


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