First edition. Publisher's original yellow illustrated card covers. Portrait frontispiece, and diagrams throughout the text. A very good copy, the binding square and firm with a little rubbing and minor curling at the extremities. The contents, with the posthumous library stamp of the American rock musician Warren Zevon (signed by his widow Crystal) to the half title, are otherwise clean throughout.

An important collection, the text attributed to the medical doctor and occultist Paschal Beverly Randolph (1825-1875), one of the pioneers of Rosicrucianism in America. Translated, edited and with an introduction (dated 1990) by Robert North, a former O.T.O. member who founded his own magical order 'The New Flesh Palladium'. This example was previously in the collection of the musician and songwriter Warren Zevon, who counted Hunter S. Thompson and Stephen King amongst his close friends. Loosely laid in is a statement by Crystal Zevon about the book and provenance.

Stock code: 27405


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NORTH, Robert


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